BMW M240i Pandora Storm Immobiliser Fitted Harlow Essex

The most secure Can-Bus immobiliser for the BMW F series, this customer wasn't taking any chances after his previous vehicle was stolen from his driveway. After replacing it with a M240i he wanted the best protection, we suggested the Pandora Storm for digital Can-Bus immobilisation & analogue blocking this uses 2 secure ways of disarming everytime the customer returns to the vehicle. It must first see the the Pandora ADR tag and once it has confirmed that is within range it must have a secure button sequence entered via the interior buttons. Once the code has been entered you will hear a bleep and you can then start and drive the vehicle as normal.

On BMW F series we include anti hijack free of charge and this means if you are removed from the vehicle and the ADR tag leaves the interior the system will start counting down and shortly after immobilise the vehicle in motion. This is a great feature many owners like with the Pandora Storm on the BMW F series this is by far the most secure immobiliser on the market for BMW vehicles, The Pandora Storm features 1 ADR tag as stnadard but additional tags can be added if needed. You also have the ability to use your Apple or Andriod smartphone as a tag in an emergency.

If all else fails you don't have the ADR tag or smartphone, you also have the ability to enter an emergency 4 digit pin code which only you will know. This is entered via the valet button. This will turn off all forms of immobilisation and allow you to drive the vehicle as normal. Meaning you have 3 methods of disarming the system if needed, the Pandora Storm can also be upgraded to a full alarm or tracking system in the future if needed.

Want your BMW F series protected? why not contact us today on 07525 068291 to get your vehicle secured. view the Pandora Storm to see if it meets your requirements.