Ford Custom Pandora Smart Pro V3

The Pandora Smart Pro is by far the best alarm system and it has got a massive update for 2021. The Pandora Smart Pro V3 has now been released offering even better smartphone connectivity. The alerts and phone call alerts on this system are simply on another level with regards to speed and responsiveness, due to it working on the 4G platform everything is carried out in a super fast manor. The Pandora Smart Pro V3 also has Bluetooth 5 meaning longer range Bluetooth connectivity for fast setting adjustments, it also allows you to add more Bluetooth addon's if required.

The Pandora Smart Pro V3 gives you everything needed in an alarm system such as a full alarm, immobiliser, GPS tracker & GSM phone calls if the alarm is triggered, this is great for van owners due to them knowing straight away via their smartphone if the alarm is sounding. Allowing you to respond as fast as possible to protect your assets, This system is a full Thatcham Cat 1 allowing you to get an insurance discount in some cases, backed with the known Pandora ADR tags giving the best encryption & security against key scanning / key cloning and OBD key cloning. The Pandora ADR tags mean your Pandora Smart Pro V3 will remain armed and immobilised unless one of your ADR tags is within range of the vehicle.

For an added touch on this Transit Custom we configured the mirrors to auto fold in on lock and unlock giving a nice additional feature at no extra cost to the customer. The system is armed and disarmed via the original Ford remote control meaning you simply use the vehicle as normal. Providing a Pandora ADR tag is within range the vehicle will work, run and drive. The Pandora Smart Pro V3 also uses a full back up battery siren meaning even if the power is disconnected the siren will keep sounding unlike other systems on the market.

If you would like to discuss a Pandora Smart Pro V3 system call Dave on 07525 068291.