Ford Escort Cosworth Cobra Thatcham Cat 1

One of the most legendary cars in history? Well this customer wanted the most reliable and neatest install possible so he contacted In Car Advancements to carry out a fresh Cobra alarm installation. We installed a full Thatcham Cat 1 which meets his insurance requirements. We fitted a microwave sensor on this vehicle due to it being a classic we didn't want any unsightly sensors to be visually seen within the interior. A microwave sensor works perfectly by detecting mass movement within the vehicles interior. The best part is once the sensor is set up it is hidden behind the vehicles trim.

The only part you could see out the whole install was the small Cobra override LED which was mounted near the handbrake. This alarm features excellent protection for the whole vehicle and features the ultra secure Cobra immobiliser module which is sealed with epoxy to stop anyone trying to bypass the immobiliser in a theft attempt.

This alarm also controlled the original factory door locking on arming and disarming of the alarm. And we also wired boot pop meaning by pressing the boot release button on the Cobra remote simply pop's the boot. The alarm also features a very loud 118db battery back up siren giving you complete piece of mind against an attack.

If you would like a Thatcham Cat 1 alarm and immobiliser fitted to your classic give In Car Advancements a call on 07525068291.