Ford Fiesta MK7 Thatcham Cat 2 Immobiliser Fitted Essex
The Ford Fiesta MK7 made between 2007-2016 is a major target no matter if its standard blade key ignition or keyless thieves can have / steal these vehicles in as little as 40 seconds. Many owners suggest moving the OBD port but this is defeated in seconds due to the short harness on the drivers side. ( meaning it can't be moved enough to make a difference against theft. )
In Car Advancements have another form of approach for this vehicle in which it doesn't use buttons to disarm or radio signals which could be cloned in some cases. This system can't be tricked or cloned / code grabbed due to it using a coded touch key in order to disarm and allow the vehicle to start.
This system is Thatcham approved for insurance. And the system immobilises starting and the ECU meaning the vehicle will be completely immobilised until the Laserline touch key is placed onto the LED. Once disarmed you simply turn the key or touch the push to start button. The immobiliser re-arms after a period of 30 seconds when the ignition is turned off. This is a great feature because you can never forget to arm the system. We are fully Thatcham approved and we can fit an anti clone immobiliser to your Ford Fiesta MK7 in Essex and all local areas. If you would like an Immobiliser installed you can call us on 07525 068291.