Honda Civic FK8 Autowatch Ghost Fitted Colchester

The Honda FK8 isn't attempted by many engineers due to it being a complex vehicle and requiring more parts to carry out the Ghost installation than any other vehicle. Due to our knowledge on this vehicle we have no problems installing the Ghost. The Ghost uses certain buttons within the vehicle in order to disarm the system when entering the interior. If the vehicle is attempted to start it will start for 1 second then die ( similar ) to how the VAG group vehicles work with the Autowatch Ghost.

The Honda Civic FK8 is just as easy to steal as other common vehicles on the road, and due to it being keyless this gives thieves an excellent ability to steal the vehicle without making a noise, the Autowatch Ghost means the vehicle can't be started unless a secure code is entered. This means even if your keys are stolen in a house break in you won't be able to start the vehicle. The Ghost features a good choice of buttons on this vehicle meaning a customer can create a secure pin code.

With the Autowatch Ghost 2 Tassa approved you also have security QR codes installed which means these stickers are located in certain locations giving additional security, all these QR stickers are linked to the national insurance register meaning if in the event parts were stolen from your vehicle there is a possibility these can be tracked down with the secure QR codes. If you require a professional Autowatch Ghost 2 Tassa approved installation give us a call on 07525 068291.