Land Rover Discovery Sport 2022 Autowatch Ghost Ongar

Brand new Land Rover Discovery 2022 now fitted with the Autowatch Ghost 2 Tassa approved. This was fitted in a way it still allows the factory remote start to funtion but keeps the vehicle secure. The moment a code is NOT entered if the vehicle is moved from Park the vehicle will immobilise instantly. Unless you know the secure code you simply won't be able to drive the vehicle, the main advantage of the Ghost is you simply don't know there is an immobiliser fitted until you try and steal / drive the vehicle away giving excellent security.

The Ghost works by the customer creating a secure pin number out the buttons avaliable this is normally between 4-6 digits, this is entered via the following method. Ignition on, enter your secure pin, await the double flash and then you can start / drive the vehicle as normal. The Ghost is a must have security device if you have a Land Rover due to these being in the top 10 stolen vehicles every year. Since installing the Ghost we haven't had a single vehicle go missing due to the way the Ghost is hidden within the vehicle.

The Ghost now comes with the Ghost Fingerprint which is another form of added security making the vehicle even more secure over other products on the market. The Autowatch Ghost also features a service mode, this allows you to stop the Ghost from working when it goes into the dealers for example. It allows the vehicle to start every time without needing to enter a code. Service mode also allows diagnostic work and remapping without issue.

If you require a Autowatch Ghost professionally fitted in the Essex area give us a call on 07525 068291.