Peugeot Boxer Cobra Alarm Fitting Essex

The Peugeot Boxer is a very nice large work van. But sadly in many cases it lacks in security, these vehicles have remote locking via the 3 button key and have a Thatcham Cat 2 immobiliser as standard. But due to the indicators flashing on lock or unlock the owner thinks it has an alarm as standard. This is NOT the case on over 80% of Peugeot Boxer vans, the way to test your van has an alarm system fitted at the factory is arm the alarm via the remote, wait 30 seconds then unlock the door via the key in the drivers door. If no alarm sounds you don't have any form of factory alarm system fitted.

If you have no alarm fitted don't worry. In Car Advancements can offer an excellent alarm upgrade made by Cobra. This system arms and disarms along side the original Peugeot remote meaning locking the doors will arm the system and unlocking the doors will disarm the system. It also offers excellent protection for your front doors, sliding door, rear barn doors and the vehicles interior.

Offering a full battery back up siren sounding @ 118db if the system is triggered along with flashing the vehicles indicators. The system is fully Thatcham approved to a Cat 1 once installed to your Peugeot Boxer van. If you would like a Cobra system installed give us a call on 07525 068291.