Toyota Prius Pandora Smart Pro
The Toyota Prius has been the no 1 target for catalytic converter theft in Essex. A thief can simply jack the vehicle up at the side of the road and unbolt the catalytic converter in less than 1 min. The major problem is the availability of these catalytic converters due to the sudden surge in thefts and the price ( average price £2000-3000 ) this means you have to go through your insurance and many owners are worried about leaving there Prius or simply parking it up at home due to the speed of this theft. Our customer simply wanted the best and wanted to be alerted if the catalytic converter was being stolen, the Pandora Smart Pro is perfect for this job and more importantly it features a tilt & motion sensors within the Pandora ECU. If any jacking is detected the alarm will start sounding and after a few seconds the alarm will start phoning your mobile & send a push notification.
This system protects all doors and boot, features a dual zone shock sensor, tilt and motion. The customer also added the dual zone proximity sensor which detects any movement by the drivers or passenger window glass. The siren is nice and loud at 120db giving anyone nearby notice that your vehicle is being attacked. The system can be either armed or disarmed via the factory remote or the keyless entry on the door handles. You can also arm and disarm the system through the Pandora Smart Pro online app providing the Pandora ADR tag is within range.
The system also fully immobilises the ignition switch from working without the Pandora ADR tag within range without this the alarm will be triggered after a few seconds and the vehicle will remain in an immobilised state. This system is simply the best alarm and immobiliser with GPS tracking and GSM phone calls this means you have the best chance of stopping the catalytic converter thieves in the act.
If you would like a Pandora security system fitted in the Essex area give us a call on 07525068291 to get your Toyota Prius secured.