VW T6.1 Autowatch Ghost Fitted Rayleigh Essex
This VW Transport T6.1 is now protected by the Autowatch Ghost Tassa approved. The Ghost immobiliser works by immobilising the vehicle on data if the vehicle is started with without a secure pin number. Without the code the vehicle will run for 1 second then die you simply won't be able to start it until a code is entered. You have a good selection of buttons on the VW vehicles so you can create a very secure pin number. The Autowatch Ghost doesn't use any LED's or buzzers making it ultra secure due to a theif not knowing the location of the device or what product is fitted.
The Autowatch Ghost has been around since 2016 and has proven itself time and time again by stopping many theft attempts. The Autowatch system also features a service mode which allows customers to prevent the system causing issues when putting the vehicle in for VW servicing or remapping. To carry out this procedure you simply enter your normal pin number then press the service button ( drivers window up ) 5 times. This then allows the vehicle to start every time, if the vehicle is being driven over 31 mph for more than 15 mins the Ghost will automatically exit service mode.
The Autowatch Ghost now features Tassa approval which means QR codes are installed in certain locations throughout the vehicle. This means if the vehicle is stripped you have a chance of detecting / tracing the vehicle back. It is simply another level of protection the Ghost offers which no other can-bus immobiliser comes with in the UK. If you would like a Autowatch Ghost 2 Tassa approved installed give us a call on 07525 068291.